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Minnesota Builder Renewal FAQ

Minnesota Builder Renewal FAQ

Minnesota Builder Renewal FAQ

What do I need to renew my Minnesota builders or remodelers license?

Minnesota builder and remodeler license holders must complete 14-hours of continuing education with 1-hour of energy code within their two-year licensing cycle.  Licensees can break their continuing education into two 7-hour segments over their two-year cycle or take all 14-hours in the same year to meet state requirements. Many residential builder and remodeler licenses are expiring on March 31, 2020.

How do I renew my Minnesota builders or remodelers license?

  1. Complete 14-hours of continuing education including 1-hour of energy code.
    • The same CE course may not be taken twice in a licensing cycle.
    • Two continuing education courses may not be completed on the same date.
  2. Licensees can renew online or on paper.
    • Online renewals are completed through the Minnesota Department of Labor & Industry page.
    • To complete a paper renewal licensees must download Minnesota’s renewal forms package and follow the step-by-step instructions the package provides.
  3. Pay the appropriate renewal fee
    • Fees for renewal will vary depending on the license holder’s gross annual income and late renewals will incur an extra cost of $80.

Where can I find classes to renew my Minnesota builders or remodelers license?

Builders License Training Institute offers several courses for licensees requiring all or part of their continuing education. Courses are completed online at the license holder’s convenience with the benefit of a full staff available to answer questions and help with tech support.

Who submits my Minnesota builders or remodelers continuing education?

Builders License Training Institute submits student education to the state of Minnesota the day after completion. Students will also be able to download their certificates at the end of their course.  We suggest students keep a copy for their records as well.